Determine how much you should be worth right now, and how to catch up if you’ve fallen behind.Identify and capitalize on market opportunities.Help your adult children become economically self sufficient.Take simple steps today that will make a huge difference in your future.

In The Millionaire Next Door, you’ll hear story after story about regular people who built their fortune, bit by bit, quietly, and steadily. The biggest perception shift of all about millionaires is this: You can be one, too! 80% of the millionaires today are ordinary workers who have accumulated their wealth in one generation. They are not from wealthy families, lottery winners, or professional athletes. On the contrary, they live simply and frugally.

Most millionaires don’t have the stereotypical extravagant lifestyle or lavish spending habits. Throw out your preconceived notions about how millionaires look and act. That is the message of The Millionaire Next Door. What if you were living next door to a millionaire? Would you know it? Probably not.