Best grass mods for fallout 4
Best grass mods for fallout 4

best grass mods for fallout 4

Immersive Wasteland Grass is a pretty and lush grass mod for Fallout 4 meant to diver Show more. The rest are default settings or fixes for the default settings. 815 subscribers Subscribe 4.9K views 6 years ago Featuring the Song '13' by Low Roar. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure is set to the Skyrim Flora Overhaul recommended level, and it really doesn't appear to affect vanilla much, although it definitely is a valid setting. Also, a slight increase to iMinGrassSize (grass density) doesn't have any real visual effect and may increase performance slightly.

best grass mods for fallout 4

A video to demonstrate this might be useful.

best grass mods for fallout 4

What this does is lowers the grass fade starting distance while expanding the range over which grass fades, which almost if not entirely removes the grass popping in effect that can be experienced if merely increasing the grass fade distance. After experimenting with grass settings, I am recommending the following grass settings for STEP:

Best grass mods for fallout 4